Promoting the Goat Industry
Meat, fiber, dairy, management, fencing breeds and more!
Latest News

March 26th

Health of Animals Regulations (Identification and Traceability) July 31st. RECORDING
West Dairy Update
We have a market for our cheese in the US and all orders are currently on hold. Our buyer would like to continue but can’t afford a 25% price hike.
Other than that, we are not affected as we source all our ingredients here.
East Dairy Update
The Eastern Canadian goat dairy industry is expressing significant concern regarding the recent trade tensions between Canada and the United States, particularly the potential imposition of increased tariffs on dairy products. 50% of Eastern Canada dairy products go to the USA.
Get in touch with
any questions
55217 Range Road 252,
Sturgeon County, AB
T8R 0P9
Visitors to our website planning to purchase goats for the first time or to increase current numbers, would greatly benefit from a membership in this Association. We are dedicated to educating and supporting our Membership with guidance in goat health and hygiene, transportation, sales and purchases. We do not offer veterinary or legal advice but strive to educate people on some simple “do's” and “don'ts” basics to any business transaction.
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